[Limited Edition] UL Hibasami GREEN

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  • Regular price ¥3,520
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A survey was conducted on social media, and the three colors that received the most votes from the seven UL Hibasami colors will be released exclusively on the Belmont Online Shop!

Ultra-lightweight aluminum fire tongs with a slim and stylish design.
The aluminum is molded into a U-shape, so it is strong and can handle large firewood, and the movable part uses spring material so it can be used for a long time without wearing out. The tip can be shifted to grab thin branches. It is ultra-lightweight at 70g, making it ideal for solo campers and touring camps who want to reduce their luggage.
It is 33cm in size and can fit into TABI and TOKOBI storage cases.


  • Material: Aluminum, stainless steel
  • Size/Total length: Approx. 33cm
  • Weight: Approx. 70g
  • Made in Japan